Open Strategy Webinar

Watch the recording of our Open Strategy Webinar

Taking an Open Strategy approach speeds up the overall strategy and execution process by 30-50% compared to the traditional approach.

Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen – Co-author of Open Strategy

What is Open Strategy?

Open Strategy is about actively involving people outside top management in the strategy process.

This can include front-line staff, other management and people outside the organisation’s ‘four walls’ including – customers, partners and suppliers.

Why watch it?

Hear about the fundamentals of Open Strategy from the global original authors themselves.

Learn from real-world examples and how you can start applying the principles to your own leadership and organisation.

Interested in implementing Open Strategy to your organisation?

A free 45-min consultation with our Founder and Principal, Andrew Bird

Read more about what Open Strategy is here

In a survey of more than 200 top executives it found that:
When Open Strategy was applied to just 30% of their organisation initiatives, those same initiatives generated 50% of revenues and profits.

Taken from

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