April 2020
About Waterpool
Waterpool operates a live 24/7 online trade-room for rapid trade of irrigation water. Enabling water trading through a pooled exchange at a price driven by the market. Waterpool provide an end to end service for clients and are experts in providing guidance in water purchases, transfers and general education across the water sector. Waterpool’s service is a real time, transparent and open platform where buyers and sellers have clear line of sight to what’s available on the market.
Waterpool wanted a strategic plan that provided material and practical guidance for longer term direction as well as real-world guiding principles to assist with day to day decision making. Waterpool were approaching a significant change in organisational structure with various new challenges and opportunities presenting themselves across the Australian market. Waterpool wanted to create and refine a strategy that helped them position their people, resources and investment in areas that would make the most impact; for their community, members, clients, and the bottom line.
Foundstone & Waterpool partnership
Waterpool partnered with
Foundstone Advisory to assist them in creating a strategic plan that cut
through the noise and provided real guidance and direction.
Peter Lawford CEO “Foundstone helped us look at the bigger picture to get clarity on the most critical areas of what our clients and overall community really needed. Foundstone assisted us in creating a strategic plan that is “living & breathing”. A framework that we can use both in our day-to-day decisions as well as longer term horizons.
Through human centred design, Foundstone helped us to really dig into and understand our members and clients in greater detail. Surfacing what was most important to them and how we could help solve some of their most pressing challenges.”
Peter further adds, “We collectively researched the critical environmental, market and legislative aspects that were the major external influences on our organisation and the market. We then were able to highlight the ones that we had influence over and could help shape Waterpool’s value proposition.
It also confirmed factors that were outside our control such as seasonal weather conditions and general water supply. However, it gave us pointers of how we could best adapt and respond for the benefit of our community and clients.
We took the time to define who Waterpool really was, where we wanted to be and what our real value is. This gave us a holistic perspective across our client & market segments and more importantly the broader community which we serve.
At the same time, we saw very clearly what we needed to stop doing so our people and investments were focused on the areas that would deliver the most value to our clients and members.”
Adapting to future unknowns
“Foundstone helped us align our executive and operations teams to have a clear view on the absolute priorities. They gave us focus on the short, mid and long term. Being adaptable and responsive to changing external factors, while ensuring governance & broader strategy is aligned, is critical to our success. Foundstone has positioned us do this.
They did not bring a prescriptive or vanilla based consulting process that forced us down a certain way of doing things. Rather, they set up an environment where everyone was heard and were genuinely part of creating a plan that we own, can stand behind and be adapted to the future unknowns.”
For other real life clients stories or to learn more, get in contact here.